

Six Months of Living in Germany

Six Months of Living in Germany

I moved to Europe, started traveling more than ever, and stopped writing anything down…

It seems the opposite of what should have happened, but here we are. Sometimes I have a hard time writing when I haven’t kept up with it for a few months (now six!). It’s like anything in life: dishes, laundry, other chores…the more they pile up, the more overwhelming it gets. That reminds me, I have a huge pile of laundry to fold on the guest room bed, oops. I recently heard a quote, “done is better than perfect” and I think that really applies to journaling and recording this incredible chapter in life of living overseas. Sometimes I wonder why I have theadventuredecade at all versus keeping a written journal, what my purpose is, and who my audience is. Do I want to just use this as a diary type thing or do I want to share the best itineraries possible for other people to use? And the answer is: the only way it’s authentic and appealing to me is to treat it as a journal. It absolutely should not feel like a chore, but instead, something I can read with my babies and Drew one day and reminisce on all the amazing little details that will bring smiles and happiness. It might not be the perfect read, but it’s real life and absolutely incredible. These past six months have been the richest and happiest of my life. So, here’s the recap:


In March 2022, I moved to Germany (active duty Army and honestly like my job for the first time). For two months, I lived with my sister, Monica, who is also stationed here. Having her made it such an easy transition and I am so so grateful. Instead of living in a hotel and not having a car, I got to stay in the comfort of my sister’s apartment the first night I flew in and spend quality time with my best friend. She showed me the ropes of living in Germany, all the running trails, introduced me to kind people and loved me so well when I really needed her. It’s rare in this stage of life to have two months of uninterrupted sister time and I won’t forget it. In May, Drew arrived (with Ladybug!) and we started the long process of getting all of our furniture and cars delivered, buying more to fit the space, and planting our roots. Here we are in October and our apartment still isn’t set up completely, but it’s turning into cozy home after 6 months. I heard recently you won’t feel comfortable in a new place for 6 months and won’t feel at home for a year. That made me feel right on track and if you know me, you know that hitting the timeline brings me peace.

Since March, I’ve already really taken advantage of living in Europe. I’ve explored Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Prague, Garmisch a few times, the South Tyrol region of Italy, Paris, the Austrian Alps, Croatia, the Jungfrau region of Switzerland, Lake Como, three cities in Belgium, Salzburg, and Amsterdam. Thank goodness I am obsessive about keeping up my Google Calendar or would have already forgotten some of what I’ve done. And that goes back to why I have this blog, I need to write down to remember. I hope to catch up and link posts to all these places, sheesh! Overall, it’s been dreamy and exactly what I pictured (and manifested). I know I’m living in a chapter that I will look back at frequently and that makes me feel so content and fulfilled everyday.

The biggest life update is we are expecting a baby in March 2023! A little BOY. I just can’t believe I’m going to have a son, or that I’m pregnant at all because I genuinely did not think I could get pregnant (more on that later). I’m smiling writing this 1) because I’m genuinely so happy, but 2) because I’m in shock this is my life sometimes. I’ve said it a lot recently to those who are close to me, but this is honestly not how I pictured my life going. When I was 20, I fully expected to be single until my late 20s/30s, have a crazy independent life, and then maybe meet someone. Instead, at 20, I met Drew, got married, got a dog, and now am pregnant? I catch myself having out-of-body experiences thinking about my life and how lucky I am. This is exactly what my heart has always desired, but I don’t think I felt worthy. And although I’m genuinely so happy, happier than I knew I could be, I do mourn the thought of a single, 30 year old Claire living in New York City sometimes. In these out-of-body experiences, I see myself as a cliché: first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage. I worry that people put me in a box, the “she’s married and pregnant box”, and I am not allowed to have my own identity anymore. But at the end of the day, when I lay in bed next to Drew and Ladybug with this growing baby boy in my belly, my eyes often well up with tears of gratitude. Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones, but I am honestly so overwhelmingly thankful for where I am, those I love, and how life is. I never wrote about it, but after losing my father in 2020, I feel much more in tune with the fragility of life and the things that really matter. What matters to me is investing all my time and energy into those I love, taking full advantage of soaking up the richness of travel and living in Europe, and focusing on my health while preparing for motherhood.


So, hi again. I’m back and recommitting to something that forces me to reflect, be present, and practice gratitude. I know future Claire will thank me.

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